
Greetings! Welcome to my site. I’m both humbled and grateful you’ve taken the time to drop by.

No matter how you got here — whether you’re a friend or family member, a Twitter follower, a stalker, or a random stranger who stumbled upon my blog — you’re probably wondering what I have to offer you.

Without boring you with excessive details, here are the Five Ws to give you the 4-1-1 about what you’re getting yourself into.


I’m a dedicated and loving husband and father whose Christian beliefs and conservative values shape the way I choose to live my life. When I’m not at my day job as a Web Developer, I spend my time advancing God’s kingdom as best I can and advocating for conservative principles.


When you’re visiting my site, you can expect to read about a variety of topics. I have many thoughts, generally focused on faith, family, politics, sports, and society at large.


Besides reading my opinions here, you can follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook.


My blogging can be sporadic at times, so following me on my social media accounts will give you the best heads up when I’ve posted something new. I tend to tweet a lot more, so Twitter is your best bet for consistent opinion.


I started this site because, like a lot of people, I have many thoughts and want to share them with the world.

Thanks for taking the time to read a little more about me. If you’d like to connect, you can follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or send me an email.

God bless!